
The Boy With A Girl's Name!

Have I told you about Margo?

Well, this is him :)

He arrived 2 months back when he was 8 weeks. We had been looking for names and got stuck on Margo. Yes, in spite of knowing he is a boy.

Margo is now 4 months Labrador Retriever boy and keeps us on our toes. If you see him around the house then he is either chewing up or sleeping. Of course he makes a few trips outdoor and takes his break to eat, but apart from that thats his schedule. We take him for little longer walks now and love his energy. His body language is completely different when its me, him & M walking as a family. It feels great! He has brought so much joy in our lives that we find it almost unbelievable. He has also, sort of made us popular as random people, approach us and ask is that Margo? And we just nod.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, so freaking cute and I love the name!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes


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