
Omega 3 Supreme Review*

As a kid my mum swore by Omega 3 capsules. In those days it was called seven seas and came in an yellow bottle. There were several brands offering the same benefit but this was what mum considered good. But my side of the story was bit different. I hated the taste, the smell even though they were capsules and the whole concept as a kid. Something about it always made me pukish! I would throw them at the plant, or towards the neighbor's house, or give the couple to Bruno, our German Shephard. He would get 2 of them anyways everyday as they are excellent for dogs too, but then these were additional for him!

Now if you are wondering what is this big deal about Omega 3! Here are some facts
  • It helps with tackle Blood fat by lowering Triglycerides. Thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • It curbs stiffness & joint-pain and reduces chances of Rheumatoid Artheritis
  • Helps reduce depression
  • Reduces symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder)
There are of course many other advantage, but I like these. But having the entire childhood memory and chaos of childhood I always stayed away from this goodness.

So when I was approached by Omega 3 Supreme Fish Oil, I thought its time to take on the challenge. I have taken on a more healthy lifestyle in 2015 like trying to lose weight, eating more healthy food, drink less a.k.a. party reasonably, so why not have just 2 harmless Omega 3 Capsule once a day with my meal. And the best part is, all my past fears have vanished with this. It has no odor, no vomiting after feeling and I feel happy to be doing something healthy!

How did you find this recipe? I would love to know!

please do leave behind your comment, suggestion, insights, love notes... I am listening.

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*The views are completely my own and you should consult a doctor in case of any doubt or need for consultation *This is a sponsored post

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