
Nailart Tutorial : Strawberry & Cream Nails

I start my day with oats, and while I was putting my spoonfuls in my mouth, I realized that I have been getting the assorted Fruit and Cream Quaker Oats for so long that a little credit is due now. So here it is, one of my favorites in the collection - Strawberry and Cream!

Apart from that I needed tape from a tape dispenser, considering I will be able to use only one hand at a time. This one is from Target and available in store only.

 I started with the shade that would be my cream

Then covered the nails with tape leaving a little tip for strawberry

And painted a messy tip.

 Removed the tapes, finished with top coat and there it goes!

If you like it then I would love to know. So, please do leave behind your comment, suggestion, insights, love notes... I am listening.

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  1. Marta Pozzan2:00 PM

    Oh my gosh that is so cute! Definitely going to steal that for the holidays!


  2. What a great tutorial. You make it seem so simple and I love the ways you've styled your photos.


  3. Thank you so much :)

  4. Sure. Glad you liked :)


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